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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Digital Image Collection: Introduction and Hours

Over four million digital images in the Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design.

Digital Production and Cataloging Specialist

Introduction and Hours

The Digital Image Collection is an image resource for faculty, students, and researchers to facilitate instruction, inspiration, study, and learning. The overall collection of over 5 million digital images comprises multiple collections consisting of images produced in-house through flatbed scanning and digital photography and those licensed from educational sources.

All 30,000+ images produced in the department are fully cataloged in JSTOR Forum following the VRA Core 4.0 and Cataloging Cultural Objects metadata standards and descriptive rules. Images are openly accessible via the new JSTOR Fleet Library at RISD landing page. Login to JSTOR with your email credentials to gain access to the RISD Visual Resources institutional collection consisting of 25,000+ images (visible on the landing page only after login). The department adds approximately 4,000 images per year.

Subjects actively developed through in-house scanning and photography via faculty requests or VMRC staff curation include non-Western art, ephemera, images from nature and the environment, product design, textiles, and art installation.

Hours will change throughout the academic year and during breaks. Please consult the library calendar for daily, weekly, and monthly views.

Phone:  401-709-5936