The records document real estate transactions for the Groton, MA property (1887-1934) and incorporation (1909/1929). Publications include Endowment Campaign materials (1923-1925), course catalogs (1910-1945; incomplete), and Annual Reports (1928-1931). The bulk of the collection is comprised of the catalogs which document courses offered, the academic calendar, tuition and room/board, corporation officers, members, patrons, and advisors, administrators and instructors, School background and history, pictures and illustrations of student/alumni projects, and photographs of the School grounds and individuals. One folder contains alumni survey postcards returned by students, 1935-1937. The cards record the name, address, dates of attendance, graduate/non-graduate, and work history. Three Library accession books record the publications acquired by the School, 1926-1945. See the RISD-Providence Athenaeum Catalog for works transferred to the RISD Library. A complete finding aid for the collection is posted on