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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Art & Design Research Skills: Skills for thesis development

Research skills for advanced studio practice

Advanced Skills

This list describes research skills used in advanced studio practice. Use it to identify and articulate skills relevant to your discipline.

• Use complex strategies to retrieve relevant information from a variety of sources

• Identify databases and indexes and original or copyrighted materials appropriate to the project

• Use advanced research sources to locate materials such as doctoral dissertations, unpublished research, artifacts and primary documents

• Identify and locate resources in related disciplines

• Use team skills to efficiently and effectively research a topic

• Search the Internet in a targeted way

• Analyze a scenario or topic by identifying the type of information needed

• Evaluate the findings and select the most reliable information, and apply the findings to meet the need

• Locate information on various sides of an issue and assess its credibility

• Present a cogent argument as to the value and reliability of sources used

• Distinguish one’s own new interpretation or original contribution from the writings of others

• Collect a broad spectrum of data on an issue to develop multiple perspectives on a solution

• Analyze the structure and logic of supporting arguments or methods

• Accurately portray pertinent knowledge/information, even if it impacts the individual’s value system or counters a thesis argument

• Identify information and interpretation issues that remain after the completion of a project

• Successfully obtain legal access to all text and visual materials (quotations, photographs, original artwork, etc.), and appropriately indicate permissions granted

Adapted from: ARCL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education + ARLIS Information Competencies for Students in Design Disciplines