Art Freak/ Carol Parks Artists’ Books Ar74Fr (2006)
Art/Life vol. 8, no. 1/ Joe Cardella Artists’ Books Ar77R (1973-)
Art-Rite/ Edit deAk, ed. Artists’ Books Ar77R
Assembling (Fourth, 1973)/ Richard Kostelanetz, ed. Special PS536.2 .A8
Battlestack Galacti-crap/ Brian Chippendale Artists’ Books C446Ba
Bedding Down with the Old Boys/ The I.S.C.A. Quarterly, v. 11, no. 4, 1993 Special Collections
Bile “Dadazine” (1978-)/ Bradley Lastname Artists’ Books B484Da
Bumperstickers Observed (1983, 2000) Alan Jones, Jeff Koons Artists’ Books K834Bu
Destroy All Monsters (c1996; 1975-79)/ Mike Kelley Artists’ Books K298D
Free Loop #2/ Alyce Santoro & J.P. Jacquet Artists’ Books Sa586FL
A Great Bear Pamphlet (original edition, 1966): Manifestos/ Ay-o (et al.) Artists’ Books M319A
A Great Bear Pamphlet (original edition, 1966): Some Recent Happenings/ Allan Kaprow Artists’ Books K14So
A Great Bear Pamphlet (Facsimile edition): The Art of Noise (Futurist Manifesto, 1913)/ Diter Rot (shown open) Diary: How to Improve the World…/ John Cage The last french fried potato/ Emmet Williams Lettuce Manifesto/ Al Hansen Special PN6014 .G732 2007
Hall, Marcellus, titles by: The Absolute Truth/ Artists’ Books H144V (c1989) Hard Luck Stories/ Artists’ Books H144H Lies, Lies, Lies, All Lies (c1988)/ Artists’ Books H144L The Vast Ranch, II/ Artists’ Books H144V (c1989)
How to Read Donald Duck/ Ariel Dorfman Artists’ Books D732H 1984
I am Me Products The I.S.C.A. Quarterly, v. 11, no. 4, 1993 Special Periodicals
Instant Zine Archive, Booklyn Artists’ Alliance: Biff #4/ Bill & Alie Donahue Becozwehaf 2/ Leah Newbold Broken Hipster/ Emiko Badillo Camo Jacket #5/ Jazz McGinnis Dimensions II/ various artists Fagazine/ Josh Ulrich Figure 8 #3/ Krissy Durden Greenzine #14/ Christina Carrera Ideas in Pictures #4/ Colin Matthes The Missing Peace (2006)/ Laila & Ronni Ruldan Nosedive #14 (2005)/ Alex Dunn Shotgun Seamstress #2 (2007)/ Osa Atoe Xtra tuff #5 (2005)/ Moe Bowstern Zine Librarian Zine #2, 2003/ Greig Means Artists’ Books Flat Folio B642Zi
It’s a Project (2004)/ Chicks on Speed Artists’ Books Oversize C438It
Keith Haring/ Keith Haring Artists’ Books H225
Lost ‘n Jealous/ Lila Ash Artists’ Books RISD 2011As4Lo
Made in Zaumland (1993)/ Serge Segay Artists’ Books Se43M
Milkcrate Digest #1-3/ John Freeborn Artists’ Books F876M (1994-)
My Evil Twin Sister #2 (1995)/ Amber Gayle, Stacey Wakefield Artists’ Books W343My
New Wavy Gravy 2 (c1985)/ Raymond Pettibon Artists’ Books P46Ne
Notes to a Friend, Silently Listening/ William Schaff Artists’ Books Sch125No
Pansy, pepper The I.S.C.A. Quarterly, v. 11, no. 4, 1993 Special Periodicals
Or (1976 -)/ Uncle Don Milliken Artists’ Books OR1M
Paper Rodeo #15 (2001)/ Leif Goldberg, ed. Special Periodicals
Paraffin (c1989)/ Eze Chimalio Artists’ Books Oversize C442P
Radical Software #4, #6 (1970-)/ Raindance Corp. Special Periodical
Reproductions Artists’ Books R35R (1988-1989)
Rent-Free in the East Village/ Beatrice Schafroth Artists’ Books Sch14R (c1985)
Scam #6/ Iggy Scam Instant Zine Archive, Booklyn Artists’ Alliance Artists’ Books Flat Folio B642Zi
Schiff, Clayton, titles by: Hey Come Here/ Artists’ Books Sch48He
Search & Destroy (1977 -1979)/ V. Vale Special Periodical
Semiotext(e) (1987)/ Jim Fleming & Peter Wilson, eds. Special Periodical
Short Teats, Bloody Milk (1978-)/ Raymond Pettibon Artists’ Books B484Da
S.M.S.: A collection of original multiples, published in 1968 by The Letter Edged in Black Press Special NX1 .A1 S12 1988
Sonic Matters, Sonic Kollaborations (2000?)/ Todd Alden & Sonic Youth Artists’ Books So57So
Sterilization, Elimination/ Nan Becker Artists’ Books B34S (1983?)
Stolen Sharpie Revolution/ Alex Wrekk Artists’ Books Z 385.5 .W74 2005
Switch #2 (1981)/ F. Dewey & T. Simone, eds. Artists’ Books Sw52
Thermos, vol. 3, no. 4 (1985)/ Old Dominion University. Art Dept. Artists’ Books T399Mo
T.V. Baby: poem/ Allen Ginsberg Special PS 3513 .I74 T2 1968
Wetties on the Beach 4/ Norman Shapiro & Joseph Szabo Artists’ Books Sh35W (1988)
The Whole Earth Catalog, Fall-Spring, 1970/ Portola Institute Special Periodical