100 days of active resistance
On Sept. 28th, 2010 Vivienne Westwood Anglomania, in collaboration with Lee Jeans, launched the 100 Days of Active Resistance online installation...Every day for 100 days, one image representing the idea of Active Resistance was selected from worldwide submissions and shared online. The resulting installation gave light to 100 days of positive thought, active change, speaking up and being heard.
Art & politics now
Since the turn of the 21st century, contemporary artists have increasingly engaged with some of the most pressing issues facing our world and their art has taken a distinctly political turn. Eleven themed chapters with integrated illustrations each provide a closely woven argument about the contribution of specific artworks and projects to different aspects of political and social engagement; from globalization and citizenship to activism and the environment.
Artistic Citizenship: artistry, social responsibility, and ethical praxis
Addressing a range of artistic domains-including music, dance, theater, visual arts, film, and poetry-contributors explore and critique the conventions that govern our interactions with these practices. This book focuses on the social responsibilities and functions of amateur and professional artists and examines ethical issues that are conventionally dismissed in discourses on these topics.
Developing Citizen Designers
This is a practically and pedagogically focused book, with each chapter addressing a particular area or issue within design practice and education, with an overview framing essay, interviews with practitioners and educators, and assignment briefs through which the reader can understand the process by which a brief is set, met and critiqued.
Encyclopedia of activism and civil justice (ebook)
This three-volume Encyclopedia is designed for readers to understand the topics, concepts, and ideas that motivate and shape the fields of activism, civil engagement, and social justice and includes biographies of the major thinkers and leaders who have influenced and continue to influence the study of activism.
Global activism: art and conflict in the 21st century
Art is emerging as a public space in which the individual can claim the promises of constitutional and state democracy. Activism may be the first new art form of the twenty-first century. Essays by leading thinkers consider the emerging role of the citizen in the new performative democracy. The essays are followed by images of art objects, illustrations, documents, and other material as well as case studies by artists and activists.
Seeing power: art & activism in the 21st century
Nato Thompson investigates what it means to be dedicated to socially engaged art and activism.
This is not art: activism and other 'non-art'
Art is not political action. Art is not education. Art does not exist to make the world a better place. Art disrupts and resists the status quo and if it fails in this prime objective it only serves to deaden a disenfranchised society further. So argues This Is Not Art, a radical and vigorous critique that debunks myths about art in order to celebrate it.
Topic Exploration
Art and social action
Arts - political aspects
Arts and morals
Chicago Social Practice History series
Politics in art
Radicalism in art
Social movements in art
Social problems in art
To find articles, copy/paste the topics listed above into Fleet SEARCH the library's integrated search system.