Critical landscapes: art, space, politics
From Francis Alÿs and Ursula Biemann to Vivan Sundaram, Allora & Calzadilla, and the Center for Urban Pedagogy, some of the most compelling artists today are engaging with the politics of land use, including the growth of the global economy, climate change, sustainability, Occupy movements, and the privatization of public space. Their work pivots around a set of evolving questions: In what ways is land, formed over the course of geological time, also contemporary and formed by the conditions of the present? How might art contribute to the expansion of spatial and environmental justice.? One of the first comprehensive treatments of land use in contemporary art, Critical Landscapes skillfully surveys the stakes and concerns of recent land-based practices, outlining the art historical contexts, methodological strategies, and geopolitical phenomena.
Design like you give a damn: building change from the ground up
Human societies have always been deeply interconnected with our ecosystems, but today those relationships are witnessing greater frictions, tensions, and harms than ever before. These harms mirror those experienced by marginalized groups across the planet. In this novel book, David Naguib Pellow introduces a new framework for critically analyzing Environmental Justice scholarship and activism. In doing so he extends the field's focus to topics not usually associated with environmental justice, including the Israel/Palestine conflict and the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. In doing so he reveals that ecological violence is first and foremost a form of social violence, driven by and legitimated by social structures and discourses.
Topic Exploration
Climatic changes - moral and ethical aspects
Consumption - moral and ethical aspects see also Food habits -various aspects
Consumption - social aspects
Ecological integrity
Ecological landscape design
Ecology in art
Environmental ethics
Environmental Ethics: an interdisciplinary journal (journal)
Environmental responsibility
Globalization - moral and ethical aspects
Industrial design - environmental aspects
New products - environmental aspects
Political ecology
Refuse and refuse disposal
Sustainable development
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