Maps in the Picture Collection
There are approximately 1,927 maps included in the holdings of the Picture Collection. The majority of these are part of the circulating clipping file and are categorized by country or region, the exception being the Decorative and Historic map files.
Holdings include: Magazine images of maps and more. Also available are U.S. Geological Survey Maps of Rhode Island, which can circulate, up to two at a time, per person for a three-day loan. |
There are also 46 large mounted historical city views and historic city plans. These may be viewed in the Picture Collection, but cannot circulate.
Our folder of Books - Pulp Fiction Covers contains over 300 vintage 1930's - 60's illustrated paperback covers. These are published on Originals may be viewed by special request.
Other collections on Digital Commons@RISD include Victorian Holiday Cards, Victorian Trade and Novelty Cards, Vintage Advertisements, Golden Age of Illustration, etc..