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Rhode Island School of Design

Artists' Writings: Locating artists' writings

A resource guide to artists' writings and writing an artist statement

Locating artists' writings in books

Search the RISD/ATH Catalog  to locate books at RISD Library.
You may use the same search terms to search Brown Library.

Search by Keyword
Keyword searches return the most results. Most (but not all) results will be relevant. Use an asterisk (*) to truncate words for more results. 

example: artist* = artist, artists, artistic

RISD/ATH catalog:
artist* writings
collected writings

artist* interviews
artists diaries

artists correspondence or artist* and letters

Other useful keyword searches:
artist* statement*
artist* sketchbook*
artist* notebook*

sketchbook* and facsimile*

Search by Subject
Locate the beginning of a subject listing in the catalog and scan the list to discover new facets of your topic. Investigate the subheadings within a broad subject to focus your search.

examples of subject headings:
•    artists writings
•    artists as authors
•    aesthetics

•    art criticism -- authorship
•    art appreciation
•    art--philosophy

•    authorship--collaboration

Search by Artist (Author)
To find books on an artist's work, think of the ARTIST as AUTHOR of their artwork and search by AUTHOR.

Whiteread, Rachel
Buren, Daniel
Martin, Agnes
Smithson, Robert

Artists' Writings in Series

20_21 Collection. Ediciones Polígrafa

Art 21: Art in the twenty-first century

Conversation series (Cologne, Germany)

MIT Press Writing Art

Positions (Zurich, Switzerland)