Artistic Research : Charting a Field in Expansion
Artistic Research : Strategies for Embodiment
Arts Based Research (Also an ebook)
Arts Based Research: a Critique & a Proposal (ebook)
Changing Art into Research: Soliloquy Methodology
Convivial Design Toolbox: Generative Research for the Front end of Design
Craftwork as Problem Solving: Ethnographic Studies in Design and Making
Creative Arts Research : Narratives of Methodologies and Practices (ebook)
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
Design Research Through Practice (ebook)
Doing Research in Fashion & Dress
Drifting by Intention : Four Epistemic Traditions from within Constructive Design Research (ebook, on order)
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Earth Logic: Fashion Action Research Plan
Handbook of Arts Based Research
Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research (2 vol.)
Integrative Design : Essays and Projects on Design Research (ebook)
Of Sponge, Stone & the Intertwinement with the Here & Now
Research in Landscape Architecture : Methods and Methodology
Research Methods for Environmental Psychology (ebook)
Research Methods for Product Design
Research Methods for the Architectural Profession
Researching Creative Writing (ebook)
Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods
Universal Methods of Design (print and revised ebook edition)
Visualizing Research: a Guide to the Research Process
Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods & Methodologies (ebook)