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Rhode Island School of Design

Master's Thesis Submission Instructions: For Grads

This guide explains, step by step, how students will submit and GPDs will review and approve theses in Digital Commons.

Digital Commons submission instructions


Go to Digital Commons @ RISD ( )

Create an account (if you haven't already)  (top left corner, under "My Account")

Once logged in, choose: "Submit Research" from the left-hand side.

(Have your PDF available to upload and copy information from.)

Components of Submission      

(Read and accept the Submission Agreement)                   

  1. Title

  2. Author (auto-populates with logged-in account name; nothing to change)                                                                  

  3. Date of Award  Season (June graduation = spring; this year the date will be 6/1/2024)

  4. Document Type (will always be Thesis)

  5. Degree Name (use the pulldown menu to find degree name)       

  6. Department (use pulldown menu; if Liberal Arts, skip this field // TLAD = please use Education) 

  7. Program (use pulldown menu only if Liberal Arts)         

  8. Advisors (department heads are not advisors; please list thesis chair and other advisors)

  9. Keywords (choose up to six keywords separated by commas that are specific to your research topic; do not reuse words already in the title or abstract; please do use geographic locations or scientific names not mentioned in the title or abstract)                                                                                                                        

  10. Subject Categories (These are subject headings used for indexing your thesis; use the submenus when available to be as specific as possible; refer to the link in the "Subject Categories" description to view a complete list of disciplines; this field can be repeated so choose as many disciplines that represent your work)                                                      

  11. Abstract (enter abstract as it appears on the PDF copy of the final version of the thesis)      

  12. Upload Full Text (filename should be formatted as Lastname.Firstname.Department.Year.pdf such as Ripper.Jimmy.INTAR.2023.pdf)

  13. Additional Files (these can be supplemental files, including media)

  14. Creative Commons License (choose Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative Works 4.0 International—this license is the most restrictive of the six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially)                                        

  15. Click Submit (processing might take a few minutes; click just once) 

  16. If you select Supplemental Files, you will be prompted to upload your file/s. Click "Continue". Add a description for each file if desired. You may choose display order if multiple files. Click "Show" to make each file visible or not. Click "Continue" to conclude the upload process


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Marc Calhoun