Use the tabs at left or click below to learn more about each service.
Course Reserves:
- We can place books and media on reserve for your class, as well as post digital materials (eBooks, articles/PDFs, and streaming films) to our Course Reserves platform.
- Curricular Video Reserve: films can be procured/digitized and uploaded to your Canvas class page. To discuss this option, email
- We can also help with scanning and procuring texts from other institutions.
Finding Course Materials:
- Get help locating, procuring, or replacing course materials, including textbooks, chapters, articles, streaming films, and beyond
- Ask a librarian for a one-on-one appointment to build your familiarity with library resources: email
- Use this form to suggest a library purchase
- Explore open educational resources (OER) that can alleviate the burden of textbook prices for your students and allow you more flexibility