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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Library Lexicon: RISD Library Specific Terms

Library Lexicon is a list of frequently used library terms. The Library Terms tab are terms frequently used in libraries and the RISD Library Specific Terms tab are terms that are RISD Library specific.

RISD Library Specific Terms

ATH - The Athenaeum - All books listed in location "ATH" are located at the Providence Athenaeum.  RISD students, faculty and staff can borrow items from the Athenaeum.

Billed - Item more than a month overdue, replacement cost.

Folio -very large format books that are housed in RISD's Special Collections.

OPAC (online patron access catalog) - online catalog - catalog - ours was once called ELIZA.

RISD Archives - The department within the library that collects, preserves, and provides access to records and artifact, including photographs and publications that document the history an development of RISD programs, policies and procedures and contributions of individuals and organizations associated with the school and museum.

RISD Course Reserves -The non-circulating collection that is shelved at the circulation desk. These books are placed on hold by the RISD professors. Students may borrow these books and materials, but most must stay within the library. Some select items may be borrowed overnight. These items may be found by using the "advanced search" in the RISD catalog. These books can be searched for via "course name" or "instructor". Also called reserves.

RDID - (R-DID) RISD's Digital Image Database. RDID is the software that manages all of RISD's digital image collections. RDID is a version of MDID. MDID is open source software with tools for managing digital image collections and was developed by James Madison's Center for Instructional Technology.

RISD Main - Books listed with the location of RISD Main in the online catalog are located on the first floor of the library.

RISD Media -A circulating collection that Includes a wide variety of movies (DVDs) and videos located on the first floor of the library.

RISD Media In Reserves - A select collection of irreplaceable movies (DVDs & VHS) that circulates only within the library. Faculty can check out these materials for class.  Located at the Circulation Desk.

RISD Oversize - Books listed with the location of RISD Oversize in the online catalog are located on the shelves along the outside walls of the library on the first floor.

RISD Reference - Books listed with the location of RISD Reference in the online catalog are located near the Reference Desk on the first floor of the library.  These books do not circulate and have green labels on the spine.

RISD Picture Collection - located on the second floor, the picture collection is an image resource for the RISD community.  Images come from magazines and books and can be checked out.

RISD Special Collections  - All books and material listed as "Special" are held in Special Collections on the second floor of the library. These materials are non-circulating.

RISD Stacks - Located on the first floor of the library.

RISD Storage - Requests for items in RISD storage are pulled three or four times a day and held at circulation. Forms for pulling items from storage may be found on the RISD intranet or at the Reference Desk.