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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Landscape Architecture

An introductory guide to resources for Landscape Architecture.


RISD students have access to many journals and periodicals as well as ebooks. The RISD Fleet Library has many holdings, both as physical bound periodicals and through digital databases. If there is an article you would like which the Fleet library does not have, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). RISD students can also access Brown University Libraries. RISD students can borrow materials from Brown's libraries and access their databases. In order to access Brown's databases you must be on one of Brown's public access computers in the Rockefeller library. 

Use the Fleet Search tab on the library's home page to search for books and articles all in one place.








The Avery Index

One of the best places to start when searching for case studies is the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. This robust index offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archeology, city planning, interior design, landscape architecture, and historic preservation. Coverage is from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1740s) to the present. The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is updated weekly. The Avery Index has many unique features: to learn how to effectively use these features we have created an Introduction the Avery Index Guide. By searching the Avery Index you will be able to find print versions of articles in the library and request unavailable articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

At Brown University

As a student of RISD you have access to Brown University Libraries. You can borrow materials from Brown's libraries and you can access their databases. Brown has subject librarians who can help you conduct your research and help you access library resources. 

Search Brown's Journals and Periodicals.

It is important to note: In order to access Brown's databases you must be on one of Brown's public access computers in the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library.

Below is a list of journals and periodicals which are available through Brown.

Brown University Libraries

RISD faculty, staff, and students have borrowing privileges at Brown Libraries. You must have a current RISD ID for access. Be sure your account is active with RISD's Fleet Library.

Brown Visiting Policy

To receive an access card for Brown libraries, RISD community members must check in at the Circulation Desk. Find their policies on this page

Database Access

RISD community members can only access Brown's Databases on-site. You can search and download from Brown's databases using their visitor/public computers. The public computers are located on the 1st and 2nd floor of the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library and in the basement of the Sciences Library. If you have questions, ask at the Circulation Desk for help.


RISD community members can borrow up to 5 books for 4 weeks.

Accessing Digital Resources Off Campus

Library access anytime!

Follow these 3 steps:

1. Go to the library website

2. Select My Account in the top right hand corner

3. Follow the directions to log in.

  • If you are trying to download an eBook from EBSCO you will also have to create or login to your EBSCO account when prompted.
  • Alternative solution: download and install the RISD VPN software.

Common Issues:

Make sure you have entered your name and information correctly?

Is your library registration is up to date?

  • If you’ve checked books out this year, it probably is.

I receive an error when I try to login, what should I do?

  • If you receive an error when you try to log in, reach out via for help.


Open Access Journals

Open access (OA) journals are a great way to find more resources on your research topic.

Open access scholarly literature is free of charge and often carries less restrictive copyright and licensing barriers than traditionally published works, for both the users and the authors. OA publishing is a newer form of scholarly publishing. Many OA journals comply with well-established peer-review processes and maintain high publishing standards. You can try searching for open access journals in for your topic by using the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Open access journals and articles are part of a universe of Open Educational Resources. For more information, visit this guide.

Exploring Landscape Architecture Journals

Below you will find a list of important periodicals which focus on or are related to Landscape Architecture. If the periodical is available at RISD or Brown the link will connect you to the library catalog. All other links will connect you to the WorldCat record for the periodical, that way you can find a library that does have the periodical. To find print and electronic journals, search by title using the Publication Finder (formerly the E-Journals Index).

Anthos : Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung  | Journal website
Buildings & Landscapes | Journal website
Environment and Behavior | Journal website
Environment and Planning. B, Planning and Design | Journal website
Garden History | Journal website
Garten + Landschaft | Journal website
Harvard Design Magazine | Journal website
Journal of Architectural Education | Journal website
Journal of Landscape Architecture | Journal website
Journal of Landscape Research | Journal website
Journal of the American Planning Association | Journal website
Journal of Urban Design | Journal website
LA+ | Journal website
Land Forum
Landscape and Urban Planning | Journal website
Landscape Architecture Australia | Journal website
Landscape Architecture Magazine | Journal website
Landscape Ecology | Journal website
Landscape History | Journal website
Landscape Journal | Journal website
Landscape Research | Journal website
Landscape; Magazine of Human Geography
Landscapes/Paysages | Journal website
Places : Forum of Design for the Public Realm | Journal website
Restoration Ecology | Journal website
Scape : The International Magazine for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism | Journal website
Scapegoat | Journal website
Scientific Proceedings of RTU: Architecture & Urban Planning | Journal website
Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes | Journal website
The International Journal of the Constructed Environment | Journal website
Topos: European Landscape Magazine | Journal website
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening | Journal website
View: Library of American Landscape | Journal website