Steinhaus = Stonehouse by Gunther DomenigCall Number: RISD SPECIAL OVERSIZE NA1011.5.D6 A4 1986
Gunther Domenig is known as a non-conformist in the Austrian architectural scene. Steinhaus--Stonehouse tells the story of the conception and construction of his home and studio within a remote mountain landscape. Steinhaus--Stonehouse tells the story of the conception and construction of a home cum studio cum intellectual haven for the architect in a landscape which has been part of his personal memory bank of images since childhood. Though the interest in this Folio lies undoubtedly in its description of a particular and highly personal creative process, the problems of response to site, landscape, image and memory which the architect confronts have a wider resonance. This Folio contains twenty-two plates of sketches, drawings and computer drawings by the architect plus an illustrated booklet which documents through an interview, photographs, poems and sketches, the particular context within which Domenig's work has grown and the story of the development of the Steinhaus project.