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ILLUS 3778-01 Movable Artists' Books, Andrea Dezso
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About Classes: ILLUS 3778-01 Movable Artists' Books, Andrea Dezso
Special Collections
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APPAR 3123-01+02 Sophomore: Identity/Identities II, Gwen Van-Den-Eijnde
APPAR 3130 Junior Design/ Draw, Gwen van den Eijnde
APPAR 3135-01 + 02 Junior: Design II, Gwen Van Den Eijnde
APPAR 3141-01 + 02 Senior Apparel Collection, Lisa Morgan
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ARCH 2197 Thesis Discursive Workshop, Jacqueline Shaw
ARCH 2198 Thesis Project, Jess Myers
ARCH 2198 Thesis Project, Jess Myers, Visual Information
ARCH 2350 Advanced Topics in Architectural Drawing, Kyna Leski
ARCH 202G Grad Rep Studio: Models, Evan Farley and Sam Sheffer
ARCH 2197-101 and -102 Thesis Discursive Workshop, Lauren Gideonse and Stephanie Rae Lloyd
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Pre-College Animation, Jim Drain
Pre-College Architecture, Christina Schaller
Pre-College Art + Activisim, Nafis White
Pre-College Ceramics, Jim Drain
Pre-College Design Foundations, Heather McMordie
Pre-College DrawFound_Ceramics, Lilla Szekely
Pre-College Graphic Novel, Leela Corman
Pre-College Graphic Novel, Cat Huang
Pre-College Photography, Sally Bozzuto
Pre-College Drawing Foundations, Taylor Hickey
Pre-College Art & Science, Yuko Okabe
Pre-College Art & Science, Liz Ellenwood
Pre-College Painting, Jim Drain
Pre-College Illustration A, Sanika Phawde
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CER 4115 Topics in Ceramic History, Jeannine Falino
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DM 2252 Fungi Arts, Florence Wallis & Chloe Zimmerman
DM 7108 Digital Media Graduate Studio/SEM 3, Shona Kitchen
DM 4534-01 Entanglement Studio, Chloe Zimmerman
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FOUND 1003-05 + 11 Studio: Design, Odette England
FOUND 1003-05 + 14 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1003-07 + 14 Studio: Design, Haley MacKeil
FOUND 1003-13 Studio: Design, Leah Beeferman
FOUND 1003-12 + 24 Studio: Design, Daniel Heyman
FOUND 1003-21 + 24 Studio: Design, June Yoon
FOUND 1003-17 + 24 Studio: Design, Leslie Hirst - Artists' Books
FOUND 1003-22 + 23 Studio: Design, Leslie Hirst - Color
FOUND 1003-21 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1003-23 Studio: Design, Travess Smalley
FOUND 1003-23 Studio: Design, Vivian Charlesworth
FOUND 1004-07 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1004-13 + 15 Studio: Design, Pamela Unwin-Barkley
FOUND 1004-18 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1004-20 + 22 Studio: Design, David Scanavino
FOUND 1004-25 Studio: Design, Joanna Cortez
FOUND 1004-25 Studio: Design, Emma Hogarth
FOUND 1005-22 Studio: Spatial Dynamics, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1006-07 Studio: Spatial Dynamics , Haley MacKeil
FOUND S103 Studio: Design, Joanna Cortez
FOUND S103-02 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
FOUND 1003-04 + 10 Studio: Design, James Mercer
FOUND 1003-07 Studio: Design, Martie Holmer
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FAV 5114-01 Research and Artistic Practice, Vivian Charlesworth
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FURN 2523 Research Elective: Old and New: Designing for Manufacturing in Africa, Patricia Johnson
FURN 244G Grad Furniture Design I, Patricia Johnson
FD248G-01 Furniture Design Thesis Seminar, Pete Oyler
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GLASS 1511 Language in the Studio, Mays Albaik
GLASS 7010 Making Meaning, Karin Forslund
GLASS 4302-01 Glass IIIA Studio, Ashley Harris
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GRAD 031G Mapping Intelligence, Anne West
GRAD 097G Investigation : Betwixt & Between, Anne West
GRAD 112G Origin Point, Anne West
GRAD 159G Studio Languages, Maya Krinsky
GRAD 159G Studio Languages, Maya Krinsky
GRAD 221G Artistic Trajectory, Karen Schiff
GRAD W97G-101, Investigations: Betwixt + Between, Anne West & Holly Gaboriault (1st visit)
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GRAPH 1570-101 Datatelling, Shiyue Wang
GRAPH 1850-101 Living Archive, So Jung Yoon
GRAPH 2355-01 Intro to Book Arts, Lois Harada
GRAPH 3177 Workshop Photo/Graphic, Franz Werner
GRAPH 3178 Workshop Letterpress, Franz Werner
GRAPH 3211-02 + 03 Color + Surface, Nancy Skolos
GRAPH 3214-02 Typography I, Franz Werner
GRAPH 3215-04 Typology II, Franz Werner
GRAPH 3320-01 Experimental Publishing Studio, Tycho Horan
GRAPH 319G Graduate Form, Tom Wedell
GRAPH W210-101 The Tactile Book, Suzi Cozzens
GRAPH W322-101 Typography Elective, Kaela Kennedy
GRAPH W336-01 Intro to Graphic Design, Zoe Pulley
GRAPH W336-101 Intro to Graphic Design, Michelle Belgrod
GRAPH 3214-01 Typography I, Ernesto Aparicio
GRAPH 3223-01 Typography III, kathy wu
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HAVC H101 History of Art and Visual Culture, Esther Thyssen
HAVC H101-15, 16, + 26 History of Art and Visual Culture, Pascale Rihouet
HAVC H101-19 + 20 Romanticism, Esther Thyssen
HAVC H163 Power, Dependence, and Social Welfare, Suzanne Scanlan
HAVC H178 Art and Ritual, Pascale Rihouet
HAVC H441 History of Drawing, Suzanne Scanlan
HAVC H447 Visual Culture in Freud's Vienna, Mary Bergstein
HAVC W149 Tea, Coffee or Chocolate?, Pascale Rihouet
HAVC W181 American Prints, Esther Thyssen - Artists' Books
HAVC W403 Rococo Rocks, Pascale Rihouet
HAVC Spring 2018, Suzanne Scanlan
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ID 20ST-4 Typography, Identity for Branding, Franz Werner
ID 240G Grad Introduction to ID, Tom Weis
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IDISC 3340-101 Topics in Exhibition, Anais Missakian and Pete Oyler
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HPSS S271-101 Queer and Feminist Futures, Leo Lovemore
HPSS S276-101 Future of Journalism, Marisa Mazria Katz
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ILLUS 2004-06 Visual Strategies, Oren Sherman - Artists' Books
ILLUS 2004-06 Visual Strategies, Oren Sherman - Demos
ILLUS 2004-06 Visual Strategies, Oren Sherman - Pattern and Ornament
ILLUS 2004-04 Visual Strategies, Sichen Liu
ILLUS 3000 Editorial Illustration, Robert Brinkerhoff
ILLUS 3027 Diverse Genders in Illustration, Jaleen Grove
ILLUS 3027 Diverse Genders in Illustration, Jaleen Grove - Children's Books
ILLUS 3036-01 What's Your Story?, Cat Huang
ILLUS 3046-01 Myth and Metaphor, Cat Huang
ILLUS 3048 Voice + Vision, Robert Brinkerhoff
ILLUS 3400 Image Design, JooHee Yoon
ILLUS 3412 Words, Images, Ideas, Jaleen Grove
ILLUS 3604 Cover To Cover, JooHee Yoon
ILLUS 3604 Cover To Cover, JooHee Yoon, Assignment
ILLUS 3608-01 The Artist's Book, Cat Huang
ILLUS 3712 The Silkscreened Poster, Xander Marro
ILLUS 3772-01 3D Illustration, Jean Blackburn
ILLUS 3722 Digital + Analog, JooHee Yoon
ILLUS 3722-01 Digital + Analog, Susan Doyle
ILLUS 3778-01 Movable Artists' Books, Andrea Dezso
ILLUS 3916 Scientific Illustration, Jean Blackburn
ILLUS 3942 Comics as Adaptation, Paul Karasik
ILLUS 3944-01 Comics, Manga + Bandes Dessinées, Cat Huang (1st visit)
ILLUS 3944-01 Comics, Manga + Bandes Dessinées, Cat Huang (2nd visit)
ILLUS 501G-01 Graduate Illustration Studio 1, Jean Blackburn + Susan Doyle
ILLUS 502G Isms + Illustration, Jaleen Grove
ILLUS 503G Visual Poetry, Mairead Byrne
ILLUS 504G Seminar: Research Practicum, Margot Nishimura (1st visit)
ILLUS 504G Seminar: Research Practicum, Margot Nishimura (2nd visit)
ILLUS 506G-01 Seminar: Contemporary Visual History, Sara Majka
ILLUS CPS Silkscreened Triptychs, Jiayin Lu
RISD Sketchers
ILLUS 3408-01 Illustrator as Designer, Annalisa Oswald
ILLUS 3608-01 The Artist's Book, Nick Larson
ILLUS 605G-01 Graduate Thesis, Holly Gaboriault
ILLUS 1524 On the Road, Esther Du
ILLUS 1522-101 Illustrating the Folktale, Georgia Oldham and Sadie Levine
ILLUS 1523-101 Material Culture + Narratives, Mawra Tahreem
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INTAR 2395-01 Portfolio Preparation and Production, June Yoon
INTAR 500G-01/ LDAR 500G-01 Sustainability Lab: Advanced Research Studio, Johanna Barthmaier-Payne
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JM 4415 Junior Seminar, MJ Tyson
JM 4440-01 History of Adornment, Emily Banas
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LAEL-1022 Modern Architecture, Malcolm Rio
LAEL 1022 Modern Architecture, Namita Dharia and Lasse Rau
LAEL 1026-01 History of Furniture, Tripp Evans
LAEL 1030 History of Illustration, Jaleen Grove
LAEL 1030-01+03 History of Illustration, Holly Gaboriault (1st visit)
LAEL 1030-01+03 History of Illustration, Holly Gaboriault (2nd visit)
LAEL 1034 Histories of Photography, Isabela Muci
LAEL 1039-01 Histories of Photography II, Jung Joon Lee
LAEL 1656-02 Narratives of Global Textiles, Laurie Brewer
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LAS E101-13+14 First Year Literature Seminar, Sage Gerson
LAS E718 Natural History, Thomas Doran
LAS W486 Cookbook Rhetoric, Jonathan Highfield
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LDAR 1044 History of Landscape Architecture, Nadine Gerdts
LDAR 22ST-02 Advance Design Studio Elective, Emily Vogler
LDAR 226G-01 Landscape Research, Theory And Design - Lili Hermann + Larissa Belcic
LDAR W217-101+102 Research Methods for Design, Larissa Belcic and Fatema Maswood
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PAINT 4502 Painting II, Meena Hasan
PAINT 4504 Experiments in Drawing, Dennis Congdon
PAINT 4514 Painting III, Meena Hasan
PAINT 4520 Painterly Prints, Kerry Downey
PAINT 4515-03 Painting IV, Meena Hasan
PAINT 452G-01 Graduate Drawing, Angela DuFresne
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PHOTO 2182 Feminism + Experimental Photo, Jessina Leonard
PHOTO 5230 Contemporary Photo & Research, Lindsey Beal
PHOTO 5233 Intro to Photo Practice, Brittany Marcoux-McGuire
PHOTO 5233 Intro to Photo Practice, Jessina Leonard
PHOTO 5300 Intro to Darkroom Photography, Jenny Edwards Ber
PHOTO 5300-01 Intro Darkroom Photography, Jessina Leonard
PHOTO 5303 Sophomore Studio, Thad Russell
PHOTO 5304 Intermediate Darkroom Photography, Jessina Leonard
PHOTO 5308-01 Digital Imaging I, Jessina Leonard
PHOTO 5310 Issues + Images II, Maya Krinsky
PHOTO 5326 Pictures to Progress, Odette England
PHOTO 5350 Intro To Digital Photography, Jiehao Su
PHOTO 5233-103 Intro to Photographic Practice, Sophie Schwartz
PHOTO 5235-01 Bookmaking for the Photographer, Lindsey Beal (1st visit)
PHOTO 5235-01 Bookmaking for the Photographer, Lindsey Beal (2nd visit)
PHOTO 5235-01 Bookmaking for the Photographer, Lindsey Beal (3rd visit)
PHOTO 1525-101 Creative Writing, Ella Baum
PHOTO 2033-101 Cyanotype Blues, Lindsey Beal
PHOTO 5398-01 Senior Degree Project (theses), Odette England
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PRINT 3214 Prints for Protest, Daniel Heyman
PRINT 4640 Letterpress Printing, Dan Wood
PRINT 4641 Suite Minimania, Amber Heaton
PRINT 4642 Bookbinding, Jessie Karslberger
PRINT 4642 Bookbinding, Sarah Hulsey
PRINT 4645-01 Papermaking, Daniel Heyman
PRINT 4645 Papermaking, Julie Pereira
PRINT 4648-01 Junior Print Workshop, Steven Knapp
PRINT W453 Painterly Prints, Lilla Szekely
PRINT W640 Letterpress & Non-Stitch Binding, Sihan Zhu
PRINT W640 Letterpress Printing & Self Publishing, Wei Wang
PRINT 462G + 464G, Graduate Printmaking, Sarah Hulsey
PRINT 469G Graduate Printmaking Thesis, Sarah Hulsey
Printmaking Thesis Books
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SCULP-1520 Dark Humor, Mia Rollins
SCULP-2235 Performance: Object, Body, Narrative, Gordon Hall
SCULP 4746-02 Sophomore Sculpture: Studio II, Lili Chin
SCULP-4784 Sophomore Research Studio, Maia Chao
SCULP-4784-01 + 02 Research Studio 1, aileru + Cervantes
SCULP-4784-01 + 02 Research Studio, David Kim + Isabel Mattia
SCULP-4785 Junior Research Studio, Matt King
SCULP-4787 Senior Research Studio, David Kim
SCULP-455G Advanced Critical Issues, Gordon Hall
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TEXT-484G Textile Seminar 1, Anna Gitelson-Kahn
TEXT-484G-01 Textile Seminar I, Anais Missakian
WK-1911, Digitally Printed Fabrics, Sarah Haenn
Library Textiles Project
TEXT 4826-02 CAD in Textiles, April Chambers
TEXT 4808-101, Digital Print Fabric Design, April Chambers
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THAD-H159 Abstract Expressionism, Esther Thyssen
THAD-H163 Art And Social Welfare, Suzanne Scanlan
THAD-H219 Surrealism In France And Elsewhere, Agnieszka Taborska
THAD-H254 Mail Art by Post, Esther Thyssen
THAD-H258 Hidden Histories Museum +Archives, Holly Gaboriault
THAD-H281 American Prints, Esther Thyssen
THAD-H441 History of Drawing, Pascale Rihouet
THAD H604-01 Art and Religion on the Silk Road, Paola Demattè
THAD-W241 Parades and Processions, Pascal Rihouet
THAD-W257 Mapping Realities, Lilly Manycolors
THAD-W260 Hidden History Women & Art, Holly Gaboriault
THAD H323-101 Lives as Art, Agnieszka Taborska
THAD-W463 Science of Art, Matthew Landrus
THAD-W741 Early 20th Century Art, Esther Thyssen
THAD-W757 Collecting the World, Matthew Landrus
Independent Study, Esther Thyssen
THAD H205-01 The Illustrated Book, Dustin Aaron - 1st visit
THAD H205-01 The Illustrated Book, Dustin Aaron - 2nd visit
THAD H205-01 The Illustrated Book, Dustin Aaron - 3rd visit
THAD H260-01 Colonialism Before Columbus, Dustin Aaron
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TLAD-652G, Context, Content, Practice: Art and Design Education, Chamberlin
Project Open Door, Brianna DeLuca
Project Open Door, Christine Enos
Project Open Door, Jessina Leonard
Project Open Door, Eliza Squibb
TLAD CSP Bookbinding, Yvonne Liang
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Faculty Tour of Fleet
Founders Day
RISD Class of 1959/1964 Reunion Open House
Staff Council: Hidden Treasures at RISD
Emma's Fake Class: Archives in Special Collections
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Summer Teen Intensive, Sonja John & Christina Alderman
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Orientation 2018
Orientation 2019
Brown/RISD Dual Degree students 2023
Outside Groups
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Angela Lorenz Talk, October 2023
Art and Activism Workshop at the Des Moines Art Center, Duane Slick
Book Club
Handicraft Club - Tiny Sketchbook and Watercolor Sketchbook Classes, Margaret Owen
Lincoln School, Elena Wetzner
New England Book Artists, Cristina Hajosy
New Urban Arts, Ian Cozzens
North American Hand Papermakers Conference Open House
Providence Country Day School, Chloe Wessner
School One, Intergenerational Arts Class
School One, Jim Drain
Southern Graphics Council International Conference
Wheeler School, Liz Kilduff
UN, Tom Weis
University Liggett School My First Artists' Book, Becky Gast and Caitlin Talan
Guild of Bookworkers Tours
National Humanities Conference Tour
Outside Groups - Colleges + Universities
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Brown University Art of the Book, Lara Henderson
Brown University Art of the Book, Suzi Cozzens
Brown University ENGL 1030F The Artist in the Archives, Michael Stewart
Brown University Beyond the Book, Molly Schaeffer
Brown University Book Arts, Andre Lee Bassuet
Brown University VISA 1530 Digital Photo Bookbinding, Theresa Ganz
Brown University VISA 1520: Digital Photography, Odette England
Brown University Fashion, Gender and Textiles in the Modern Age (1st visit), Holly Gaboriault
Brown University Fashion, Gender and Textiles in the Modern Age (2nd Visit), Holly Gaboriault
Brown University Female Forces: Hidden Histories of Women in Art + Design, Holly Gaboriault
Brown University HISP 2350M: Poetics of the Avant-Garde in Latin America, Michelle Clayton
Brown University Themes of Contemporary Latin American Art, Agustin Diez Fischer
Brown University URBN 0215 Urban Life in the Global South, Lauren Yapp
Bryant University Studies of the Book, Valerie Carrigan
Naval War College
Roger Williams University - Book Arts Course, Elizabeth Duffy
Rutgers Book Arts, Amber Heaton
Wheaton English ENG 326: Digital Victorians, Winter Werner
UMass Dartmouth, Lara Henderson
UMass Dartmouth Senior Photography, Victoria Crayhon
Brown University HISP 2351E: Book-Objects, Michell Clayton
UMass Dartmouth AXD 481: The Photo Book, Victoria Crayhon
Brown University, VISA 1240: Art of the Book, Andre Lee Bassuet
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SCI 1115-101 Winter Tree Watching, Hope Leeson
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CTC 1000-101 and 102 Introduction to Computation, Nicholas Larson
Special Collections - September 18
A to Z : marvels in paper engineering
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 A86 2018
Beyond the Sixth Extinction
Shawn Sheehy; Jordi Solano (Illustrator)
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 S524 2018
Call Number: uncatalogued
The Pop-Up Book of Magic Tricks
Ron Van der Meer
Call Number: RISD Special NC975.5.V363 P6 1983
Modern Architecture Pop-Up
Call Number: uncatalogued
Puss in boots
illustrations by C. Carey Cloud and Harold B. Lentz
Call Number: RISD Special NC1428.P88 B58 1934
Snow White and Rose Red : a pop-up fairytale
The Brothers Grimm ; illustrated by Rachel Cloyne
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 S66 2012
Table, lay yourself!
Call Number: RISD Special NC989.C92 K82 1960
Ten little teddy bears
Call Number: RISD Special NC989.C92 K82 1965
The Children's Theatre
Franz Bonn (Illustrator)
Call Number: RISD Special NC981.5.B66 C4 1978
The Facts of Life
Jonathan Miller; David Pelham; Harry Willock (Illustrator)
Call Number: RISD Special Oversize + Circulating Pop-Up Books NC975.5.W554 F2 1984
The space shuttle action book
Patrick Moore
Call Number: RISD Special NC975.5.S745 S6 1983
Touch and go : a book of transformation pictures with verses
Fred E. Weatherly
Call Number: RISD Special Oversize Z1033.T68 T683 1894
Vasarely : pop-up op-art
Philippe Ug
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 U38 2014
1789-1939, the world of tomorrow, New York world's fair
Elizabeth Sage Hare & Warren Chappell
Call Number: RISD Special T785.L1 H37 1939
Hans Andersen's fairy stories : Bookano series : with pictures that spring up in model form
edited & produced by S. Louis Giraud
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 G57 1930z
My anatomical journal : notes from the body in the 21st Century
Marianne R. Petit
Call Number: RISD Special QL806 .P475 2022
The "Pop-up" Minnie Mouse
story and illustrations by the staff of the Walt Disney Studios
Call Number: RISD Special NC1428.M523 P66 1933
Mother Goose playhouse : 8 favorite acts all in three dimension scenes
Geraldine Clyne
Call Number: RISD Special Flat Folio NC975.5.C58 M67 1940z
De Kluizenaars
Engelbrecht, Martin
Call Number: RISD Special Flat Folio GV1525 .E53 1750
Artists' Books - September 21
Dai food
Colette Fu
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Flat Folio F94Da
Forest poem
Paul Johnson
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Oversize J62F
Legend : an A-Z of the Lea Valley
Hilary Powell
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books P779Le
Memories of science
Dorothy A. Yule
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Flat Folio Y85Me
The moon on the porch
Marjorie Keller
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books K294M
The snake
Betty R. Sweren
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Sw45Sn
Rein Jansma
Call Number: RISD Artist' Books J266S
Special Collections - October 30
Sketches and hints on landscape gardening
Humphry Repton
Call Number: RISD Special Flat Folio SB469.35.G7 R43 1794
The International Circus
Lothar Meggendorfer
Call Number: RISD Special Oversize NC981.5.M43 I5 1979
The anatomy of the human head and neck : graphically illustrated by means of superimposed plates; with descriptive text
Dr. Schmidt
Call Number: RISD Special NC770 .S35
El Pintor's Zauberbuch von 1001 Nacht
Call Number: RISD Special NC983.5.E37 Z2 1940z
The Jolly Jump-Ups Journey Through Space
Geraldine Clyne
Call Number: RISD Special NC975.5.C58 J68 1952
Flair annual
Call Number: RISD Special Periodical 1953
Little Red Riding Hood : an exciting adventure with 4 stand-up scenes
Call Number: RISD Special NC975.5.F735 L58 1960z
The Haunted House
Jan Pienkowski
Call Number: RISD Special NC978.5.P53 H3 1979
Coral Reefs and Other Colorful Creatures
Matthew Holbein (Created by); Emily Brooks (Created by)
Call Number: RISD Special + Circulating Pop-Up Books GB461 .H65 2019
The wild
Simon Arizpe
Call Number: RISD Special Flat Folio Z1033.T68 A748 2016
A surreal archive : the Young-Mallin Collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Tammy Nguyen
Call Number: RISD Special N5220.Y68 S87 2018
Handmade paper in motion
essayist, Ann Montanaro ; editor, Mina Takahashi
Call Number: RISD Special TS1124.5 .M66 2010
Martin Luther King, Jr. : An Adventure in Courage
Victoria Crenson ; illustrated by Bob Lynch
Call Number: RISD Special E185.97.K5 C74 1992
Publication Date: 1992
Space Jam collector's pop-up
Call Number: RISD Special Z1033.T68 S72 1996
Publication Date: 1996
Artists' Books - October 30
Freedom: a fable
Kara Elizabeth Walker
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books W226Fr
Round Summit : a morsel of the life of the artist Herb Fink, as perceived by Mike Fink & envisioned by Kate DeCarvalho
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Flat Folio D43Ro
Earth and the Moon
Yusuke Oono
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books On51Ea
Blizzard Book
Virginia Phelps
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Ph44Bl
Five luminous towers : a book to be read in the dark
Carol Barton
Call Number: RISD Artists' Book Flat Folio B282F
Golden Lotus
Colette Fu
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Flat Folio F94Go
Andre Lee Bassuet
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books L4989Re
Andy Warhol's index (book)
with the assistance of Stephen Shore, Paul Morrissey, Ondine, Nico, [et al.] and particularly David Paul; several photographs by Nat Finkelstein; Factory fotos by Billy Name
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books W234 I
Pop Pup Dog Day
A. T. Pratt
Call Number: RISD Special Zines P727Po
The Diabolical Evolution of the Chicken
Laura Ladendorf
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books L 234Di
Where are you from?
Alex Appella
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Ap63Wh
Saturday afternoons
Susan Angebranndt
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books An33Sa
Baltimore breakups : a pop-up memoir
Julia Arredondo
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Ar64Ba
Lunar Calculations
Katherine Venturelli
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books VE67Lu
From arachnophobia to arachnophilia
Tomás Saraceno
Call Number: RISD Artists' Books Flat Folio Sa732Fr
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Fleet Library at RISD, 2nd floor, Room 201
ILLUS 3722-01 Digital + Analog, Susan Doyle
ILLUS 3916 Scientific Illustration, Jean Blackburn >>