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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Library Resources for RISD Alumni

Take advantage of free library access, research help, and more.


Don't have an Alumni ID? Get one from the Alumni Office. You'll need it to get past Public Safety, and it will also serve as your library card. Then, drop by the Circulation desk to have us register you. 

Once you're registered:

  • Alumni can borrow 5 books at a time - 4 weeks each - 1 renewal
  • Use our online catalog to search and explore our collections, including Special Collections, Artists' Books, and more
  • Log into your library account to renew books and see your reading history


The Space: Until 2007, RISD's library was housed in College Building. We have grown quite a bit since then. The library now occupies the first two floors of a spectacular Renaissance Revival banking hall with an adaptive renovation by award-winning firm Office dA (co-founded by a RISD alum!). We'd be thrilled to have you visit.

Parking: We are located in Downtown Providence and nearby parking is metered. You may need to walk several blocks to the library. Please keep in mind that city celebrations such as PVDFest, Pride, and WaterFire will impact parking and driving downtown.

Security: Your Alumni ID is your library card and also gets you past our Public Safety booth at 15 Westminster Street. Don't have an ID? Get one from the Alumni Office.

Please be aware that security is strict in our building, as we are also an undergraduate residence hall in a downtown location. Your Alumni ID is required for access to the library. If you arrive without one, you will be turned away.

Guests: If you would like to bring guests who do not have RISD Alumni access, please contact us in advance.