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Rhode Island School of Design

APPAR-3122 Sophomore Design/Draw : Reference Sources

A research guide for the fashion of the 1920s and 1930s


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Reference Books

Topic exploration

1920s OR 20s OR twenties

1930s OR 30s OR thirties

20th century

Politics - WWI, postwar, social movements

Economy - the Great Depression, income

WPA Federal Works Project Administration

Exposition internationale des arts décoratif et Industriels Modernes 1925

Working conditions - leisure time

Inventions and availability of materials - zippers and choice of fabric

Morals - changing norms, prohibition

Mass media - rise of the motion picture, advertisment

Films - films 1930s

Art and architecture - Art Deco, Bauhaus

Art & Literary -Harlem Renaissance, Futurism

Music - Jazz

Sports - baseball

Apparel Research Methods