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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

Materials Collection

A browsable, searchable, and circulating collection of materials for building, interiors, designing, and art-making.

Introduction and Hours

The Materials Collection holds over 41,000 material samples arranged by composition. It is a hands-on, interdisciplinary collection for the exploration of materials used in architecture and construction, fine arts and design, apparel and interior furnishings, landscaping, product design, and printing. Categories include biocomposites, minerals, metals, ceramics, polymers and textiles. Students are encouraged to handle samples and items may be checked out for research or presentations. Investigate the possibilities of eco-friendly materials, anti-microbial materials, smart materials, and conductive materials—among many other properties. Explore the color library of fabrics and the many binders of product literature and samples. You may browse the collection online at Material Orderwhere you can search by composition, properties, material ecology, and other parameters.  


Monday - Friday  9am - 4:30pm 


The classroom space in the Materials Collection is available for reservations through 25Live. The space accommodates 25 patrons, with a Flatscreen and AirPlay available. The space is open to some walk-through traffic.