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FLEET LIBRARY | Research Guides

Rhode Island School of Design

How to Cite Images

A guide to various ways of citing and captioning images.

Art Bulletin Style

Art Bulletin Caption Style
The College Art Association's AB style is a modification of the Chicago Manual of Style. Captions should be numbered consecutively. Figure numbers do not include a period. A full caption includes, whenever available and appropriate, information in the following order:

Figure number with no period
Artist (first name, last name)
Title (in italics)
Medium on support
Dimensions in inches (h. x w. x d.) followed by dimensions in centimeters (1 inch = 2.54 cm)
Name of collection
City of collection
Other collection information such as "gift of . . . ," accession number, etc.
Copyright or credit line information regarding both the photograph and the artwork (in parentheses)

1 Mary Cassatt, Mother and Child, ca 1890, Oil on canvas, 35 ½ x 25 3/8” (90.1 x 64.5 cm). Wichita Art Museum, Whichita, Kansas, Roland P. Murdock Collection, M109.53 (© Wichita Art Museum 2002)

Source: CAA Submission & Style Guidelines, Preparing an Accepted Manuscript for Publication > scroll down the page to Captions

See also CAA Educational Publishing Permissions

See also CAA Code of Best Practices in Fair Use in the Visual Arts

See also Chicago Manual of Style Online - Illustrations and Tables