Ulrich's Global Serials Directory is an excellent source to find detailed information about a particular journal, such as:
- Peer review / refereed
- Open access
- Publishing frequency
- Title history details - date of first issue, name changes and mergers
- Publishing status - active, merged, suspended, ceased, forthcoming
- Publisher info - who & where they are, current editor, other journals they publish
- Content type - academic/scholarly, popular, trade, newsletter, etc
- Format - print, online
- Key features - includes book reviews, bibliographies, back issues available, etc
- Subject coverage of the journal
- Where the journal is indexed

Ulrich's is an excellent source to discover a range of journals in and across disciplines. This is important when doing a literature review or when considering where to submit an article for publication.
- International in scope
- Includes historic publications that have ceased (important for historic research)
- Filter to
Open Access publications
- Filter to
Peer Review / Refereed publications
- Filter to journals that include a searchable
Table of Contents (ToC)
Remember, the full text of citations found in the ToC may be requested easily using our Interlibrary Loan service!

Find Ulrich's on the Fleet Library website > Databases A-Z > U for Ulrichs (Off Campus access instructions here)
If you have questions or would like guidance using Ulrich's, contact a librarian at researchhelp@risd.edu